Well its been a while yeah...took a very nice vacation..ah stress is over...now back to work work work...hey guys better keep in mind bout the Redang trip ya....make sure u guys make it ESPECIALLY U SON....u wan rendang u wait till Hari Raya damn it...so make sure u bring that round butt of urs to Redang ;) Ok ok now enough of round butts, we enter the month of April, lol everyone was very enthusiastic on pulling off pranks..damn it even my sister managed to prank me for the 1st time in her life...but hey the master immediately got back at her cough cough..
Sadly, there were some heart aching news we received from a friend who is very dear to us..we tot she was joking..come on its April Fool... i can't go in to details on that because we still have 2 months to pray that she doesn't leave (please don go), we don mind if that will be your ultimate April Fool prank...just plz don go k...sob sob..
Anyways, todays topic...he's as fluffy as a feather, she's all mrs browny, he's full of patches of love n she's an angel in disguise.....lol i'm talking bout the Tan Family pet dogs...they r so so so so so adorable in every way....owh i m so missing them even as we speak...from Fluffy the father, Brownie (my personal fav), they r blessed with 2 beautiful children namely Patches n Angel...God now i m totally in love with dogs...cough but only brownie lol...they're extremely cute, well trained and definitely lovable...i can go on n on bout this but that'll bore u all huh ;) k k i will stop here....(tempting to type more on them)
By now u should noe that The Tan Family's house is like our daily number 1 spot...so we see those dogs almost everyday...they used to have even more dogs back then, but i heard that some of em had to be given away, some, stolen...sad case ppl..really sad....God i really envy the fact that these dogs can roam freely inside the house...sob..how nice if my kitties could stay inside the house too....
Picture this guys; u come back from work/school n ur all stressed up after that lengthy work n hectic schedule, suddenly u enter ur house, greeted by your loving pets, n u can hug n cuddle em all nite b4 u go to sleep, n when u wake up early in the morning they will lick ur face to wake u up..wat a way to start the day..
oh i m feeling that all rite....pets r so adorable....Cia can we trade lifes?
YA SEE WAT I MEAN? so go get ur self a dog now ppl..now!!!
Check out Fluffy, looking all handsome n so adorable...owh..he's d only one that doesnt stay inside the cage, he's totally in control of his actions...
Oh Screw that this one rocks the most, oh my dear Brownie, i heart this one bcoz she's so....so...god i need to go to The Tan Families n knock em all off so that i can steal brownie..oh brownie...
Lol this is Patches...look look he's all comfy on the sofa while resting his head on that cozy pillow....cough FYI, he n Jason cant get along...lol eternal rivals i guess...every time when Jason tries to get Patches back to the cage...RRRR....The battle starts n never ends lol..
Lastly, Angel..this one's extremely cute but b careful lol she is quite a devil her self....She never fails to bark at Julian.. Jay hearts this one a lot..B careful guys she'll bite u if she doesn't like u ;)
Lol so i'm just gonna show u my personal favourite, Brownie lmao
Brownie oh my brownie....cho cho cho cho cute..
Brownie look here..
No Brownie here look at me...
Brownie u better look at me when i'm talking to u woman..
Lol Brownie acting like a sea lion...so talented....
That's rite Brownie, Smile for me..
Raff Raff.....Pet Dogs r so adorable ;)
Sadly, there were some heart aching news we received from a friend who is very dear to us..we tot she was joking..come on its April Fool... i can't go in to details on that because we still have 2 months to pray that she doesn't leave (please don go), we don mind if that will be your ultimate April Fool prank...just plz don go k...sob sob..
Anyways, todays topic...he's as fluffy as a feather, she's all mrs browny, he's full of patches of love n she's an angel in disguise.....lol i'm talking bout the Tan Family pet dogs...they r so so so so so adorable in every way....owh i m so missing them even as we speak...from Fluffy the father, Brownie (my personal fav), they r blessed with 2 beautiful children namely Patches n Angel...God now i m totally in love with dogs...cough but only brownie lol...they're extremely cute, well trained and definitely lovable...i can go on n on bout this but that'll bore u all huh ;) k k i will stop here....(tempting to type more on them)
By now u should noe that The Tan Family's house is like our daily number 1 spot...so we see those dogs almost everyday...they used to have even more dogs back then, but i heard that some of em had to be given away, some, stolen...sad case ppl..really sad....God i really envy the fact that these dogs can roam freely inside the house...sob..how nice if my kitties could stay inside the house too....
Picture this guys; u come back from work/school n ur all stressed up after that lengthy work n hectic schedule, suddenly u enter ur house, greeted by your loving pets, n u can hug n cuddle em all nite b4 u go to sleep, n when u wake up early in the morning they will lick ur face to wake u up..wat a way to start the day..
oh i m feeling that all rite....pets r so adorable....Cia can we trade lifes?
YA SEE WAT I MEAN? so go get ur self a dog now ppl..now!!!
Check out Fluffy, looking all handsome n so adorable...owh..he's d only one that doesnt stay inside the cage, he's totally in control of his actions...
Oh Screw that this one rocks the most, oh my dear Brownie, i heart this one bcoz she's so....so...god i need to go to The Tan Families n knock em all off so that i can steal brownie..oh brownie...
Lol this is Patches...look look he's all comfy on the sofa while resting his head on that cozy pillow....cough FYI, he n Jason cant get along...lol eternal rivals i guess...every time when Jason tries to get Patches back to the cage...RRRR....The battle starts n never ends lol..
Lastly, Angel..this one's extremely cute but b careful lol she is quite a devil her self....She never fails to bark at Julian.. Jay hearts this one a lot..B careful guys she'll bite u if she doesn't like u ;)
Lol so i'm just gonna show u my personal favourite, Brownie lmao
Brownie oh my brownie....cho cho cho cho cute..
Brownie look here..
No Brownie here look at me...
Brownie u better look at me when i'm talking to u woman..
Lol Brownie acting like a sea lion...so talented....
That's rite Brownie, Smile for me..
Raff Raff.....Pet Dogs r so adorable ;)
Angel's mine! D: