I m totally excited bout this..I totally have no idea on campfires so cut me some slack k...1st timer ma...When ever these guys mention bout it u can notice loads of questions, blurry images n out of this world gestures on my face....So Ju had this campfire thingy going on in CCS..he was scheduled to get things up n ready till Friday...n he definitely completed his dream of cloning Didier Drogba...kada dark mai...Pity the fella though..he had to do most of the things alone ..very few came to help, so its all Ju's hard work..most of it i think...
So Edwin n Jay offered some assistance on Saturday to complete the whole process....sorry i really dunno wat m i talking bout her lmao..wat process i cant elaborate much since i dunno how do campfires work......um..u noe..that kayu thing...have to um...pasang...for fire?um ball?gosh zero marks on elaborating...but u guys get the picture rite?I m sure u ppl go to lots of campfires so i think me babbling bout this is making me look like a dork so i will stop rubbishing b4 Ju takes a good laugh at me..lets just get to the previews lol..

Can u guys plz tell me wat u doin here?Swing?playground?tent?damn it tell me la..

This seems fun..Even Jay is hooked up...can i play too?
Wats this?Y suddenly all touchy touchy...plz ah..i don like all this ah...
Ok i seriously cant get wats goin on here...Jay n Teoh arguing who gets the baton?Doing...
Now this i think i noe..they all playing fire fire fire lol..wat?wrong again?Screw u ppl..i give up:
Viva La Campfire..Wat? i cant say that too?darn it i'm going to grab a sandwich...
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