They exist..whether u believe in it o otherwise...they can see us clear as day..they hate n i mean hate us invading their own privacy..I can bet my very own sanity even as i m typing now Angella & Angello's taking turns throwing poo at me rite here in this room...Don go against an unstoppable force; there is obviously no way u can beat it......when some one asks u hey lets grab a cup coffee across the street shall we?u reply yes...When some 1 asks u hey lets go check out the latest news on Jim, i heard he scored big time in his Exams..u reply sure lets do that...When some 1 asks u hey lets have a threesome with Japanese Twins with enormous boobs u say hell yeah lets smock that pipe...
But When some 1 asks u hey how about we visit the Jelutong Graveyard past 12 midnight, then head to Jasin to search for a random dark path we never visited b4, bring our video cam's n camera just to take a shot at those "stuffs", ur answer, by all means, would, n must be, a rock solid, definite, cement concrete, absolute, mind-bottling, rock bottom, eye brow raising, spine busting, hair standing, lip tight, convincing, nut, cracking, no brainer, absolutely, stick it up ur pipe n smoke that s**t, f*****g, live for the moment YES!!!Just say Yes to that if ur idiots like us...bcoz we r just a bunch of bastards who just say yes to trouble..
We sure did many n loads of crazy stuffs in our lives...we drove all the way to Muar past midnite just for a Toilet Trip, Cycled all the way to Malim just to call that exercise, Smoked Shisha like an old fart on crack, all but this.....i would say, in my opinion would b the wackiest thing/s**t we've ever dared doing....till today i consider myself extremely lucky to b in one piece?or m i?
It all started when Alif & I were having this discussion bout the time Edwin n Julian dozed off(u asses) in the car while i was driving all the way to Sungai Udang....i suddenly saw an old Brown Proton, driving at menacing paste, with the driver mysteriously following us where ever we went, ready for me to make a mistake n "it" would overtake me n do the worst...but i was having none of it...i was betting all of my gut to make sure this car would not overtake me...i normally would allow a car to overtake n get on with their journey, but that night, i felt disturbed, insecure, cold, fearing that this car had evil intentions written all over it...
It was a race between madness n sanity, the car kept getting closer n closer...i was beginning to lose...Fear n panic started to take over my mind, Julian & Edwin were still dozing off..the road was absolutely pit black with no lights, n we're in a middle of a silent jungle, with the car behind me approaching closer..n closer...i decided to have a look at the driver, regretfully....i cant confirm was it a man o a woman, "Its" head was covered in some sort of white cloth, i only can confirm one thing, "IT" was furious, angry, fierce, edgy n all of the cruel plus wicked things i can think of evil...It's hands were not holding the wheel, no....more like the car was moving like a bullet without anyone driving it....i noe this sounds corny i don blame u..i guess u won believe in hell til u actually see it...Fear has completely taken over me....pulling over or just hit a lamp post was the only thing i could ever gone..plz go....don come....these were the small voices that ran through my mind...
Within those rushes of madness i suddenly found a tiny ounce of salvation.....I muttered out some Prayer chants...if that would work then plz work...ur not taking me down...not tonight...never...n Praise the lord, yes, the moment i reached past a Surau, the car, the brown Proton, with the Mysterious disturbed thing in it, disappeared, vanished in thin air....the car was no more....i gave a a sigh of relief...i swear i was crying that time...i couldn't wake up Ju & Edwin, it was not for them to hear it..not at that time......but yes i was relieved..
Alif on the other hand, told me that one day at the same road, a brown Proton followed him while he was driving, but Alif was more detailed on the "Things" physical description than me...he said it was....a white...his car raging mad at full speed like a hungry tiger pouncing on a lost deer.....for Alif's case unfortunately, the thing overtook him, n suddenly, disappeared, just like did Alif survive, that would b a question mark till now.....
One thing was for sure...Alif n I saw it...wat ever it was, we saw it....n i tot the conversation would end did indeed...until Alif blindly asked us (Ju, Jay, Edwin & I) lets go tonight guys to Jelutong, just for an experience....n we......said yes......wat were we trying to do? i dunno....i guess the simplest way to say this was, we were looking for an answer, that's stupid i noe...the answer was simple...they exist n we should respect them but no no we just had to go..n we here we go..the Unstoppable force meats the immovable object...

11.30pm...we gathered in front of Alif's house...Jason would join us he's another unlucky spice things up, we suggested to bring a camera n a video cam...but who in the good world would b the sucker to take these shots? So we gathered around in a circle to see who would b the last 2 to come out..the last to come out would have to take the video cam...i had to take photos n Jay had the Vid Cam...yeah we were pressured... after all i was the one that suggested bout that camera shit...son of a bitch it backfired on b4 we left we said a prayer, damn it we felt like we were going to Hell....suspense n tense was everywhere...
So we headed off with 2 cars n parked my Kelisa at Habeeb, n used Alif''s car for our Tour To Death...we had now reached Jelutong...I was the driver, sitting next n faithfully to me was Alif...Son, Ju, Jay & Edwin were all behind....we made a simple plan, when u visit these type of places, never, n i mean nvr ever mention ur real we made code names...but son of a pig at certain points there will b times u accidentally mention our real names....shit that's nasty...Jelutong definitely lives up to its reputation...spooky n mind numbing....1st sign of encounter: everyone saw 2 dogs sitting down at the large gate, all but Julian n Jay, now that is weird bcoz the dogs were facing Ju's SIDE..but he din see "them".
Thank god Jason followed us to this place...otherwise i m very sure we wouldn't make it out alive...there was at one point we reached a dead end n almost fell into a pit had Jason din tell us to stop...we missed out on the hill..there was a small "pondok" on top of that hill..that would b the ultimate place as there was a small narrow path n where ever u look..left o rite..there were graves everywhere...n i seriously would have drove all over there until Alif suddenly told me Borat...lets get out of here...i din question him..i drove all rite...the moment we left The Gates of Jelutong yeah i was driving all fast i can hardly hear the mates telling me to slow down...
We rejuvenated at Habeeb...obviously in ecstasy due to the fact that we survived this ride...but the journey din end there...this time, we chose Jasin as our 2nd n final destination of the night...Son din follow this time, he had to meet up with Rui Ying...So yes we drove all the way to Jasin n failed to search for the place that Alif mentioned(a quiet jungle wih no lights) we decided to travel to Muar n Merlimau...n yes we found a road alrite...a lonely, quiet road that spells danger in our minds but we went through all rite...frightened of coz, n all of a sudden a huge bird came out popping at the side of the car, the same bird we 1st saw at that a coincidence?i m pretty sure of its can i forget, i was the driver...another encounter:A thin fog appeared out of nowhere...but we were calmed all least we tried to b....we drove deep...n finally saw an exit...
I need to note that i m leaving out certain key points in this story because its all too long n definitely scary for me to remember all of it again...ur gonna have to ask the others of the scenes that were left out....its all too much for me...But i can say during n after this was creepy..while snapping these photos, my camera jammed a couple of times which it never b4..I had problems transferring these photos into my comp, the process took very long..Edwin's Computer had to b reformatted due to the fact that he tried to convert these many other things happened but i won mention it here...not at this hour damn it its 3am n u noe wat they say bout 3am.....
We came back, disappointed in a way unable to see those things directly to our naked eyes...but were glad in a way as well that nothing happened to us.....n we all reached home safely....would we do that again u ask us?YES WE WOULD...YES WE CAN..N YES WE WILL....
These were the only photos we managed to snap during our adventure...totally nth harmless bout it...
This was the expression of my face from start till finish..stoned..
Edwin was like this from start to finish as well..
U c the tense in our faces?u can cut that tension with a knife..
The long winding lonely n dark road..
Our tools for this expedition
Below here r the vids that we took during our Journey...if u would like to enjoy this, like i mentioned earlier..plz make sure its past midnite, u must b alone, lights out, put ur ear phones on n maximum volume n eyes on the computer..don look left o rite.....otherwise u'll just think its an ordinary me....
The interview:
The Jelutong Adventure:
This was behind Rui Ying's House:
The lonely dark road..Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
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