Oh its been months n my kitties have all grown up now...cough cough i m so proud of this...they're all in the pink of health n doing extremely fine...its like being a father watching them grow day by day...most of em r strayed cats but seriously they behave much better than the ones u buy from the pet shop..
I totally heart my kittens n cats...The greatest miracle is Pareet, a mix Siamese kitten found by my sister in a big drain n it was drowning...out of generosity n bond for the kitten she brought her back, bought a cage for Pareet as it had to stay separately from the others...at 1st when i saw her i tot she wasn't an attractive one..Palli n Pixie could never stand the sight of her...Only Pratt treated her like his own sister..Oh Pratt...i really miss all of u...Pixie is the last remaining of Precious..i hope u kitties r doing well in the afterlife...Plucky, Palli, Carbie, Pratt.....
But Guess wat, Pareet n Pixie r all tight now...they get along very well...n i have to admit Pareet looks very extraordinary...i call her Pareet the Snowball...she is so fluffy n cho cho cho cho cute...unfortunately my dear Pareet is a sick kitten...she cant consume normal cat food..i dunno y...it could have been due to the big drain that she was drowning in..her insides were damaged i guess...she was still a baby kitten that time..so we have to give her special ID food...yup..n we cant overfeed her otherwise her stomach will gloat up..there was a time she gloated up like a tennis ball...yup cute indeed, but she almost died bcoz of that ya noe..so..yeah..that's with Pareet...
Penelope's lil prince's have all grown up as well....they were smaller than the palm of my hand but now..wow...Yay to Persie, Peanuts & Panthrow...
Can u guess who is who?which is which?
This is Pareet...awww...
Watcha doin Pareet..oh cho cute..
Eh eh nak manja2 pulak..
Pareet the Snowball...look at her...aww.....
Look here Pareet...
I said here la Pareet...
Wats so fascinating besides looking at the camera Pareet?
N this is Pixie...oh how she's grown..
Tgk ape tu Pixie...
Playing hide n seek huh?i got u...
N meet..Penelope?...she' all moody today..i guess its becoz i let her rot in the cage for the whole day..
She doesnt wanna look at me...nvm lets give it a try again..
There's that mafia look of hers.."get away from me Kamal or i'll hurt u..raaeerrr...
Yup..she's pissed alrite today...she's measuring up those knuckles on my face..gulp..
Oh lookie lookie...can u diffrentiate between Persie n Peanuts?
The long tail is Peanuts...
N he's the vain one..peracan hencem..
Sorry Peanuts..had to hold him like this just to take a shot at him..
Hmph someone finally decides to come in to the frame..
Now this is Persie..
Penelope can u shower him later i m trying to tell the difference here u show stopper..
Look at his tail...its a bit hooked up..n short..
N this is Panthrow a.k.a The Black Knight..
Its a shy one...
They're all grown up..sob sob:
Check out how adorable my Pareet is:
N most importantly..my kitties love to have cat fights n cage matches...
MEOW.......FURR FURR....
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