There's always someone thinking of you, no matter what time of the day. But before we all reside for sleep, ill be thinking of you..

M.o.F.a.K.s 4 LiFe

M.o.F.a.K.s 4 LiFe
Children of the yesterdays..Equilibrium of The tomorrow....

Monday, November 15, 2010

~~THe CoUnTdoWn iS On~~

You know wat they say.. ABSENCE MAKES THE HEART GROWS FONDER...we've been missing for quite some time but thank you for visiting...KEEP IT UP!!!!

Anyways this is a short and sweet post....eagerly anticipating the days of our main event....The countdown is on...EXACTLY 48 DAYS FROM NOW......THE ONE FINALE TAT WILL SET THE TONE OF THE YEAR.....TATS RITE...OUR NEW YEARS EVE DINNER!!!!!!I CANT WAIT...


-Posted By Stiffler-

Tick Tock...Tick Tock