Straight after Rui Ying's, we inched our way through to Debbie's place....Her parents were not in so lagi la best...Lol less formal n more laughter ppl..The house was ours to control....IN a way la...Joe & Mark were still to b seen....Lame betul diorang romancing their stones....Came the steamboat....We were not dissappointed indeed...LESS VEGE AHHAHAHAHAHAHA..Barei ppl barei....
The steamboat was totally the bomb....THE HIGHLIGHT??ITS THROAT MAGMA BURNING CHILLI.....Wats a steamboat without it rite and i tells ya ppl those were among the hottest chillies i've ever tasted...Fuh panas lidah i bila pikir balik...But we din stop..Heck i even makan the cili like kuah...can tambah some more....By the time Joe & Mark arrived, dah habis dah kiter sapu....diorang dapat makan sayur je la..but i don think they mind haha...We sat down at the hall to chill down that spicy taste buds wiv asam haha..gile kan...Chatted for a couple of hours then off we went ppl.....Thanks Debbie for the meal..totally awesome...But the eating just din stop there....heck no...There was more...And thats coming up...NEXT....
The steamboat was totally the bomb....THE HIGHLIGHT??ITS THROAT MAGMA BURNING CHILLI.....Wats a steamboat without it rite and i tells ya ppl those were among the hottest chillies i've ever tasted...Fuh panas lidah i bila pikir balik...But we din stop..Heck i even makan the cili like kuah...can tambah some more....By the time Joe & Mark arrived, dah habis dah kiter sapu....diorang dapat makan sayur je la..but i don think they mind haha...We sat down at the hall to chill down that spicy taste buds wiv asam haha..gile kan...Chatted for a couple of hours then off we went ppl.....Thanks Debbie for the meal..totally awesome...But the eating just din stop there....heck no...There was more...And thats coming up...NEXT....

Here we go hommies..Mond's all pumped up for this..

Ah...our gracious host...meriah tuu...

Mond displaying his Bday gift from us..Ceh ceh Liverpool's new signing perhaps?bench boy oni lol..

Dier ni memang penyapu buruk betul la...meja org pun ko nak

Eh baru nampak ini 2 lovebird..tapi asal jauh?gaduh eh?
We'll b back for more...
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