In case ur wondering why m i taking the trouble to blog so early in the morning ESPECIALLY on a Monday like this...its simply becoz urs truly won b here till tmr..kehkeh heading up to KL to get lucky i presume?Shhh shhh its our dirty lil secret ya tehe.....So here we go..We went to Rui Ying's place on day 4...Mark & Joe were behind time so we had to proceed 1st yah...Raya Cina pun nak beromen..aduh aduh...Pretty awesome way to start the day off...
All of us woke up wiv an empty stomach, saving it for Debbie's house...Lol we were so afraid that Debbie would just serve us wiv Vege's coz her parents r vegetarians ya noe so we tot of stopping by at Mc.D and have a smal, well not too small bite..Heck it in the end we decided to go wiv our insticts n just go wiv it...empty..Hungry...must eat...must drink..must steal...that was Jay of coz..
Met up wiv The Tan siblings at Rui Ying's place...Nice kuih2...I loved those cornflake cookies...made em empty in a jiffy alrite...Rui Ying's mom offered us Love letters...not those love letters u insects..Imma talking bout those LOVE LOVE LETTERS...yeah.....wat the heck m i crapping...Tapped that ass too...We were bout to makan some more but Son's mom lol tak kasi kita makan lagi lol..Auntie, new year ma..maken je...Kinda good starters if ya ask me...ok ok kachik time...
All of us woke up wiv an empty stomach, saving it for Debbie's house...Lol we were so afraid that Debbie would just serve us wiv Vege's coz her parents r vegetarians ya noe so we tot of stopping by at Mc.D and have a smal, well not too small bite..Heck it in the end we decided to go wiv our insticts n just go wiv it...empty..Hungry...must eat...must drink..must steal...that was Jay of coz..
Met up wiv The Tan siblings at Rui Ying's place...Nice kuih2...I loved those cornflake cookies...made em empty in a jiffy alrite...Rui Ying's mom offered us Love letters...not those love letters u insects..Imma talking bout those LOVE LOVE LETTERS...yeah.....wat the heck m i crapping...Tapped that ass too...We were bout to makan some more but Son's mom lol tak kasi kita makan lagi lol..Auntie, new year ma..maken je...Kinda good starters if ya ask me...ok ok kachik time...
Kecian anjing comel ni..CNY kene cukur..sedih dier..

Cookies anyone?

Jay's loving kuih is that ah?Kasi la Mond skit..

And he moves into position..WAT?HERE?U cant b serious?come on la wei rumah org ni..don tell me????

Futaker and his accomplice Futaker Jr wasting no time...CNY pun dier kerje..sial ko..

He brings back only wat of the remains of the Love letters...Burp..

Everybody say Love Letters....
Debbie's house is up next..
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