3 months..after 3 long months, we finally return...Much has happened since my dear readers...But thats the chariot of life...we ride the band wagon through its hardship n the good times..its awesome to see the bond we share is still strong though..bless u all....
So to open this month's post with a bang...i present to u...the BLACK OPS!!ZOMBIE MODE FIFELLLLL(PEOPLE) (I'M USING MY RUSSIAN PERSONA)..No kidding...and wat a perfect time to play this game tehe...It all started when i came to chill at the Tan fortress as usual wz Son...Enter, the Xbox wuhuhuhu....Played a couple of rounds of Zombies..was really fun shouting, laughing and panicking :)we soon assembled a team of 3 when Ju trained World at War wz me ....The TAN fortress would soon b our base, our sanctuary from the real world...concentrating day and night on how to pass each stage filled of running zombies, ready to feast on the flesh....
Try after try, we failed....We would soon find the 4th player that would prove pivotal in our crusade...henceforth, we call from the depths of IJC itself...we bring u...ALICIA!!!GEMPAK KAN MY INTRO COUGH...Thus the search was complete....we had the team..4 players to guard each door n we thought that was enough...NAY!!!we were still lacking the results Hitler craved for...At times we cant even make it pass level 5...We needed a new plan...we needed a strategist, who could think of the impossible when others r unable..a brilliant messiah..some 1 with great wisdom, godlike handsome with a bruno marslike voice when he sings, a package so complete we call it the people's buffet, we needed a captain...
Knowing that Jason, Julian & Alicia r too naive n too useless to carry this task...from the darkness he rose...they would call out his name desperately when in need....they would call.....JENG JENG JENG....CAPTAIN HANDSOME BRUNO AWE-KAMAL-SOME!!!!"REALLY MY FRENDS?YOU WOULD HAVE ME BEAR THIS TASK?SOMETIMES I ASK MYSELF Y GOD Y M I MEANT TO B THIS SPECTACULAR AND GUIDE 3 JUNIORS THAT CANT EVEN SHOOT A FLY EVEN IF THEY WANTED TO??"Dear lord, i humbly accept this curse u give me..for i noe that if not me...who else could guide these loosers-to-champions?ur welcome boys n girls (winks)
So i came with the perfect strategy....a plan so solid even God Himself would envy and awe in my marvel....Guided by me...CAPTAIN HANDSOME BRUNO AWE-KAMAL-SOME, Supported by my co-captain 2ND BEST LA-JASON-MO...Powerpacked by our GOOD-FOR-NUTS USE-JULIAN-LESS...AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST...THE ROOKIE WHO WOULD DREAM TO B AS AWESOME AS ME...DREAM-ALICIA-ON...So off we went people...conquering each stage...failing at times but all bcoz those 3 keep dying sigh sigh sigh..susah betul jadi captain handsome...
The final day...yours truly(winks) had to leave back to SG so we made a pack that we would survive this mother forsaken game for as long as we can...ALAS...we broke our record...LEVEL 21 U FOOLS AHAHAHAHAHHA...IF U R LOOKING FOR A GAME THAT REQUIRES TEAMWORK, THIS IS IT PPL...ITS IMPORTANT TO COMMUNICATE WITH EACH OTHER..ONE MISTAKE..ALL WILL FALL...I HAD FUN N ONE OF THE BEST MEMORIES WITH U PEEPS PLAYING N THOSE SUPPORTING US....TILL NEXT TIME MY SUBORDINATES....TILL NEXT TIME...

The team...guided by urs truly...far rite please cough cough..
-Posted By Stiffler-
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