Dasyatkan title dier lol...Its true ppl we just came back from a very chaotic trip...It was the reunion of all reunion...After the new years trip to Singapore, we managed to get all of them to rendezvous at the one place that mite yet b the biggest events in our calender so far...GENTING!!!!...N having all of us thr, damn thats just just...(faints)..OH wait i almost forgot...oni ALIF was short on this trip sial punyer kawan T_T takder care sama kiter lol...Well unfortunately Alif had to stayback n help up wz family for BBQ's...kecian member kener bakar steak lamb chicken sorang2 ish ish..Nvm bro we enjoy for u k ;)
N i have to say that wat made this trip even meaningful was the presence of our youngest groupee, ALICIA ppl...YESH n YESH again we got more pics of her n not to mention budak kecik ni dah pandai kenakan orang ish ish ><"" Present at this event to KL would b Debbie, Mond, Son, RY, Cia, and even auntie Alice yahoooo, Joe, Mark, Ju, Juanna, Jay & of course Yours truly!!!POWER PACK KAN!!!memang the gempaks.com ppl i like!!!!!!WE pushed off from Melaka around 4pm after being 1 hr behind scheduled time lol biasalah kan...Had to take two separate cars...We pit stopped at Mond's cousin's house, Gary, b4 heading to Sunway to meet up wz Jay, Mark & Joe... Speaking of Jay, i m pleased to announce that member skrg dah jumper kekasih terbaru yang bermula dengan namer Denise!!!!!!hurray was always rooting for u idiots lol...We received a call from him while Ju, Mond & I were on the way to buy bus tickets that Denise will b joining us to GENTING!!! How cool can that get!!!!!!!!
So we all met up at Sunway Pyramid...had some laughs at Mc.D B4 we departed from Jay N Denise coz she tidak dibenarkan bermalam di umah orang lain lol....ALL those khurafats said don wanna sleep la wanna stay awake la tapi tak sampai 2 jam dah mati...bughet tul ish....We were deciding on who gets to sleep where since we all had to lepak at the living hall...Suddenly i saw a comfy sofa wit me dominating all over it...Sial baru jer landing kat saner si setan2 3 Abdul yang bernama Abdul Joe, Mark & Ju main rempuh masuk sampai aku takder tempat nak tido babi tul....
In the end had to settle on the China table wiz Son cocking up the scene from 3 Abdul lol..It was really classic from the 2 of us cackling like witches al nite long..kecian Auntie Alice tak leh nak tido pasal kiter duer lol....Auntie Marah??lol cannot take it uffffff...The grand finale of the nite was when Keith placed the icing on top of the cake saying GUYS, I M GOING TO GENTING WZ U( with the cool american Aston Kutcher slang..i noe i m exaggerating u pigs but just go with me).....AWESOME BRO AWESOME!!!!TOO AWESOME SAMPAI AKU TAK LEH TIDO THE WHOLE NITE LOL....OK idiots PICTURE TIME ><
N i have to say that wat made this trip even meaningful was the presence of our youngest groupee, ALICIA ppl...YESH n YESH again we got more pics of her n not to mention budak kecik ni dah pandai kenakan orang ish ish ><"" Present at this event to KL would b Debbie, Mond, Son, RY, Cia, and even auntie Alice yahoooo, Joe, Mark, Ju, Juanna, Jay & of course Yours truly!!!POWER PACK KAN!!!memang the gempaks.com ppl i like!!!!!!WE pushed off from Melaka around 4pm after being 1 hr behind scheduled time lol biasalah kan...Had to take two separate cars...We pit stopped at Mond's cousin's house, Gary, b4 heading to Sunway to meet up wz Jay, Mark & Joe... Speaking of Jay, i m pleased to announce that member skrg dah jumper kekasih terbaru yang bermula dengan namer Denise!!!!!!hurray was always rooting for u idiots lol...We received a call from him while Ju, Mond & I were on the way to buy bus tickets that Denise will b joining us to GENTING!!! How cool can that get!!!!!!!!
So we all met up at Sunway Pyramid...had some laughs at Mc.D B4 we departed from Jay N Denise coz she tidak dibenarkan bermalam di umah orang lain lol....ALL those khurafats said don wanna sleep la wanna stay awake la tapi tak sampai 2 jam dah mati...bughet tul ish....We were deciding on who gets to sleep where since we all had to lepak at the living hall...Suddenly i saw a comfy sofa wit me dominating all over it...Sial baru jer landing kat saner si setan2 3 Abdul yang bernama Abdul Joe, Mark & Ju main rempuh masuk sampai aku takder tempat nak tido babi tul....
In the end had to settle on the China table wiz Son cocking up the scene from 3 Abdul lol..It was really classic from the 2 of us cackling like witches al nite long..kecian Auntie Alice tak leh nak tido pasal kiter duer lol....Auntie Marah??lol cannot take it uffffff...The grand finale of the nite was when Keith placed the icing on top of the cake saying GUYS, I M GOING TO GENTING WZ U( with the cool american Aston Kutcher slang..i noe i m exaggerating u pigs but just go with me).....AWESOME BRO AWESOME!!!!TOO AWESOME SAMPAI AKU TAK LEH TIDO THE WHOLE NITE LOL....OK idiots PICTURE TIME ><
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