So we kick off straight to the crown jewel!!!!!Now where was i?Ahh yes...sleepless nite..I couldnt sleep so Ju had me company lepas member sendiri pun tekezut sbb Son n I kept laughing like gals ;) The bus had to leave at 730 am so had to make them all wake up early..i noe...impossible especially having Mark n Son around tehe....We oso had to make a dare to c if we can get an extra ticket for Keith since he decided to join us last min but chill chill we sure can settle...So off we went peeps to Bukit Jalil bus station ;)
Met up wz Jay n Denise thr n some of us had a quick bite of roti canai....Almost missed the bus siot lol thats so typical us ><><
We arrived to our destination after 15 min of walk...sial my 1st impression of the place was "M I AN ADDITIONAL CO STAR FOR PRISON BREAK??IT WAS THAT BAD HUHU...Heck even the so called check in counter was like a typical hyper mart way!!!!!MASUK THE APARTMENT, actually the place is nice, comfy n big..tapi not well maintained...N the best part is, this was the exact same room Jay n Denise checked in during their last group outing...The plastic bags that they left were still there lol.....But gotta hand it to them too bcoz though that place was disgusting( I SWEAR TO GOD THAT WAS A MAJLIS PERBANDARAN DUMPSTER IN ONE OF THE TOILETS), it did bring us all together coz imagine if we decided to take the first world hotel, we would b separated n that won b fun at all ;)
After all of us had settled down n had some munchies courtesy to Mark, we were all set for the GENTING OUTDOOR THEME PARK!!!!!Sigh unfortunately, it was a bad bad weather n the theme park had not been open for days...UFFFF...We tried our luck, stayed n waited for hours but STILL THE SAME KNN!!!!!!!!The oni option left was the indoor game....We hesitated at first still hoping luck would b on our side...but still to no avail..Oh well screw it....We have 13 youngsters ready to have fun so y the sourface...INDOOR GAMES, HERE WE COME!!!!We first rocked the set by deciding to go for the Haunted House MUAHAHAHAHAHAH.....We couldn't enter all at one go so we had to b separated...Since Jay, Ju, Joe & I were veterans having experienced it b4, we decided to go next n tagging Denise wz us...To b honest...It was not as scary like the first time...There was oni one time i yiked but that was it...N having Joe wz us spoiling everything wat ya expect lol..nasib baik dier tak maki the ghost this time ;)
We met up wz the rest n grabbed a bite at some random chinese restaurant...Fuh i was super sleepy tat time...BUMPER CAR was the next agenda n i must say that really made our day!!!in total i think we went about 4-5 times uhhuhuhuhu...I've never laughed as hard in my life b4 sampai i think my jaw was dislocated lol...We had 2 rides in the roller coaster ;) I love the way we have fun coz each time we do smth, ppl would laugh n somehow being drawn to join our game of Mayhem...each time we hit the circuit to play Bumper Car, the rest of the audience would sure laugh bcoz we would choose one target n having 12 cars chasing the one poor victim is no joke lol..sial mier budak2 during the last round aku jadi the victim till i cannot move lol..Mark was the victim most of the time..Joe, having seeing his beloved being victimized, definitely would stand up for his man?woman??ah heck i dunno ><
This time, Ju & I managed to persuade the others on how cool rock climbing would b ;) so one by one they climbed...each falling down to the challenge....i think Ju came close among the others but the highlight was definitely our champ JAY!!!!Baru naik skejap jatuh not once...but twice...i noe pelikkan??Thinking too much of the offer Denise gave him if he managed to climb up perhaps??Lol thats the champ all rite ;) Watching the sight of Juanna's donkey's ass oso was a treat as we were shown first hand her ass could fit a face each lmao.....Next, we bowled for 2 games...Was a good fight ;) Played some arcade games with Son & I showing wat a legal tag team we could b when we combined playing HOUSE...OF THE DEAD 4!!!(Does the david Carusso CSI thingy) Had our dinner at KFC :)
We closed the nite by chilling out at Starbucks playing cards(tipu) n yes u need not to ask...Futaker stole a cup again lol....classic champ...After going out for at least 15 hours, we crashed out flat in the apartment..chit chatting n yes tak sampai 2 hours again...most of those khurafats dozed off!!!In the end oni Jay, Denise , Mark, Cia & I filled the hall lol......So we chatted n chatted, time to sleep guys tapi Mark & I din like the site of the room so we crashed the hall along wz tengah sembang2 tiber we could c smth from the outside moving...hmmmm????n Coincidently we were talking bout ghost stories....damn that place was creepy..could u imagine if all of us really talked bout ghost stories, would everyone b sleeping in the room o instead, having 13 bodies crashing out in the hall??????may b ppl..may b.......whooshhhhhh...

The effects of not sleeping...

The idiots that stole my sleeping spot..

Come my sidekick let us make a move...

Genting Virgin...

We made it!!!

Here's to d Bumper car..

Mond is all pumped up!!!

The star of the night!!

Check out the lumps of that ass!!eh juanna marah lol

By far the best pic of the trip!!!I like!!!


A sudden romance strikes our frends..

But wat is this??Joe aint gonna give up without a fight...I cant tell whether Mark is enjoying or struggling..

The drama continues...

N yes...true love conquers all...nvm Debs, have a pepsi..

Debbie demonstrates how good she can b at the kung fu slap

Here's to d memories guys..

Keith officially has a backache after this..
N he displays his trophy once again...with style!!!
Don worry bout the vids will come very very soon ;)
-Posted By Stiffler-