Back in August this disease was running hot n wild...its still on the loose seriously wiv the government not wanting to cause a national catastrophe..Schools like MHS, St David had to b closed down for quarantine purposes...Our dear lil Alicia was coughing terribly one day so we had to rush her to the hospital...seriously we never tot this H1N1 thingy was a biggie till we saw it wiv our own eyes...
While in the hospital, Jason, Ju & I were playing ninja wiv our awesome masks and drawing some angry crowd if ya ask me but heck wiv it la lol it was fun...suddenly a patient was rushed out from the room, caughing badly and struglling to catch her breath for a vanilla blended, and yes u don have to ask she was tearing so heavily, cluthing her hands to her chest....she had to b rushed to GH...we were wondering wat was the commotion all bout till the dad said his daughter kena H1N1...without even saying another word, we sprinted out of the hospital saving our own asses...scary la ppl....very, here's an important message to all....stay healthy...

Eh kate batuk tapi nampak sihat je lol...

Sharing is caring..

Eat la u posers ;)

Dr Kamal securing the area...

..Powerpacked by his loyal steed Desmond confirms this area is F#%ked lol...
Some random BS of us lol....
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