Oh lala..its always a whizzzpopper when u managed to reach ur goals....today..yes today we celebrate history in the making as we hit the big 100...guys i have to say i m so proud of this blog and how far we've gone through together...we came a long way starting from just 9...the numbers just increase....thank you all for supporting us and pls continue to join our crusade...
Yes this aint no Bday post thank god lol....but its bout some 1 recieving a Bday present ;) As the title itself suggests..yeah Jason gets a new Mojo baby yeah...ur guessing football shoes huh?pfft u wish...It all goes back one day, our dear Jason was feeling the usual fatigue from doing may b tons of housework..so being the big log that he is, Jason waltzed and skipped happily to his bed, he huffed, and he puffed, and gave a big body slam to his lala bed...Krakkkk!!Ah?i noe..thats not the sound u wanna hear when u land rock bottom on ur bed...heck it could b anything...ur bones...mite be even his poodles...well thank the lord it wasn't...it was just a simple price to pay...his expensive guitar...lol
Son watched in horror and chocked in sadness as he witnessed in guilt the crime that he had just committed...his beloved guitar....its neck had been snapped...in his defense, Jason said he din notice the guitar as it was covered in an eye-deceiveing blanket...ish ish ish..kecian member...terus kecewa.com...tak jadi nak tido..U'd expect his parents to b furios with him...after all thats one pricy of a treasure i tells ya arr....Aik but i guess Jason managed to pull out a muka pasrah org kate kan...lol he was given the green light of a new guitar...syok mai...Nasib baik he broke that guitar around his Bday..lol
So i was sitting at the Deli with our good old buddy when he told me he found a new mojo baby yeah....fuh memang lawa la....its a whooper i tells ya...wat a way to celebrate our 100th post....arr!!!

Fuh bro check out the glare...its shining wow..

When one is too happy..one must not contain their emotions..even if they do not noe how to play..learn from him..lol..Son watched in horror and chocked in sadness as he witnessed in guilt the crime that he had just committed...his beloved guitar....its neck had been snapped...in his defense, Jason said he din notice the guitar as it was covered in an eye-deceiveing blanket...ish ish ish..kecian member...terus kecewa.com...tak jadi nak tido..U'd expect his parents to b furios with him...after all thats one pricy of a treasure i tells ya arr....Aik but i guess Jason managed to pull out a muka pasrah org kate kan...lol he was given the green light of a new guitar...syok mai...Nasib baik he broke that guitar around his Bday..lol
So i was sitting at the Deli with our good old buddy when he told me he found a new mojo baby yeah....fuh memang lawa la....its a whooper i tells ya...wat a way to celebrate our 100th post....arr!!!
Fuh bro check out the glare...its shining wow..
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