Fire up!!Fire up Phoenix fire up!!Ah i just cant get enough of that...last month, well to b precise, the last day of April, Ju & I headed all the way to Kerubong to witness our gals performing some cheer leading thingy at Stadium Hang Jebat...groovy was like watching Garbiella & Sharypay doing their High School thingy....eesh i just admire the way they managed to pull everything together....syncronised in every way....
Consisting around 30-35 gals, filled with flexibility, agility n even some sexility (such a word exist for this usage trust me)..Phoenix was born......Upon hearing from Jan that they were chosen to represent IJC n perform rite in front of hundreds of ppl, the gals really like yeah nailed it all rite.....
N they couldn't ask for any better place to shine...Stadium Hang Jebat, the grand daddy of em all...FYI its much bigger than Old Trafford...sayang not properly maintained...if not..chun mai...cough moving on....where was i?Rite the stage....the expectations were definitely sky rocketing high...these gals practiced tirelessly at least 5 hours per day perfecting their imperfection, conquering every flawed move n i just wanna say i m very very very proud of u gals.....
Enough babbling Kamal, show them the magic...Go Phoenix.....
The stadium is huge guys....really huge...
Ju y so feminine man?
Like this man a bit....M.O.F.A.K.S..
We were looking every where for them...nak pengsan kak...come on gals come out come out..
Ah finally....yay we found them...smoking red hot gals..
Aww we even spotted chome cute chomel lote kiddies..
The band from
our soon 2 b future mascot for the upcoming Sukma....sweet...
B k ful bro the seats r filled with Bird s**t...
Check it out baby...the gals rocking the stage...i do apologise for the shaky quality at times..hey i had to climb a poll just to get this amazing view k:
Andrea's all hyper after the performance..u rock babe..

Aw i just love taking photos with the wait is that Jaz n Jan?
Fuyoo Jan u r so cute damn it i can gobble u all up now....but i won..tehe...
Whoops she's falling u gals mite wanna quit it k...
Fiery in crimson red....flame up Phoenix!!
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