Geez i have lost much weight ever since i've joined this company...i m so broke the only thing i could afford is just bread n bread n bread everyday...the rest of the ppl get to eat nasi lemak, nasi ayam n even Ayoub...but me..poor old (wait wait young, thats more like it tehe) me...just bread n peanut butter...So there was one fine day i headed to the Tan fortress to have a bite at their signature cooking...FRIED RICE..ahh....pleasure...aunty i really miss ur cooking n definitely made use of every ounce of rice on the plate lol.... Good old fried rice with Otak2...u can never go wrong..never....
Memories will continually burn and never turn to ash..The hour glass may savage or decay the physicality of an appearance, but never can it rob us from immortality...Here is where we laugh manically at death, cheating it once again..or forever more...
There's always someone thinking of you, no matter what time of the day. But before we all reside for sleep, ill be thinking of you..
M.o.F.a.K.s 4 LiFe

Children of the yesterdays..Equilibrium of The tomorrow....
Sunday, May 31, 2009
~~LeTs PuT a sMiLE oN ThAt FaCe~~
Remember when i previously said its fun to work at Sudong? Here a solid proof to show u ppl y u should work here...we're not all bout work work work n come out perfect n top of our game....but we also regularly organize fun activities among the stuffs to keep the caring, sharing n most importantly, mayhem baby yeah wohooo....One of the latest things were we had to paint our faces n look as colourful as we could baby....N i m happy to say that one of the contestants from our Badge Mr Shaun Adrian Miranda were among the top winners wow....check it out y'all...
Sudong Forever..
~~fUtSaL OuTiNg~~
Now let me see....when was the last time we played futsal again?hmmm....ok the last time i can clearly remember was b4 Mark left for KL....u do the math one day we decided to have a memorable match against Debbie's hey not to brag but we still had the touches baby....joining this expidition would b Nathan, Desmond, Debbie, our frend Song Hon n of coz urs truely....
Some kicks here some goals there...not bad not bad....we won n owned the opposition woot woot....well at least the heart of Pertam still exists ya...ya?....yeah.....
Some kicks here some goals there...not bad not bad....we won n owned the opposition woot woot....well at least the heart of Pertam still exists ya...ya?....yeah.....
Nathan's all excited u can see by the look of his smile...
I m ready to go baby...i m red n i m hot..n short...sigh...
Debbie gets a new haircut?cool...
This is Song Hon baby...eleh malu2 pulak..
Getting ready we go...
Yeah we won...hey is that me?wat happened to my eyes...
This one's for the books...MOFAKS baby yeah..
Joga Bonito Ppl...thats the way 2 go..
~~A GaP oF GeNeRaTiOn~~
I hate my life....just when i tot i can keep up with my old man n look him in the eye n say hey, i m cool, i was totally wrong..n that's y i hate the truth...sigh....1st of all, i have a major confession..i m totally so so in love in playing the guitar...yeah that's rite ppl i m a guitarholic now one day Ju n i had reached some mutual agreements on when n how much will it cost for my classes...
Here i come baby with my new found lil sister was in total aw when she witnessed me plucking some amateur keys of Eric Clapton's Tears In other siblings would continue to admire me being on the red carpet..all till sudden when i left the guitar for just a short while to check on the kitties... then came my dad, the show stopper whom i now must climb an everest to even reach his status, took that blasted instrument n started to play some breathtaking chords of his own...
Here i come baby with my new found lil sister was in total aw when she witnessed me plucking some amateur keys of Eric Clapton's Tears In other siblings would continue to admire me being on the red carpet..all till sudden when i left the guitar for just a short while to check on the kitties... then came my dad, the show stopper whom i now must climb an everest to even reach his status, took that blasted instrument n started to play some breathtaking chords of his own...
Daddy, i din noe u still had that mojo that i m yet to obtain...he was like stealing all the lime light away from no no....god he can play any song i dared him to play Ryan Cabrera's True, he din have to look at the chords...just by hearing the song he can noe more o less how to play the whole damn, u wait, JULIAN, SON, BRING ON THE TRAINING BCOZ I M GOING TO HAVE A SHOWDOWN HERE........ARGHHHHH
No no no thats my guitar u old man give it back....wuhuhuh...
Just look at him....closing his eyes n playing the chords....gosh even after 20 years..u still have it in u huh dad
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
~~NoKiA, cOnNeCtIng PpL~~
The header sounds interesting rite...well here's a fact that will shock u....we had a couple of good laughs on this one so yeah i guess we're pass this joke **chuckles** ahem...remember when we said we noe our clan in n out...n when i say that we really this case however, not all of us noes so shhhhh shhhh keep it down k don go tell anyone...
I won mention the name of the lad who committed such a crime coz that will break him mentally...physically he's already um...retarded i here's the story...we were sitting n chilling out with xxx, xxxxxx ,xxxx n xxxxx....suddenly xxxxxx took out this Nokia thingy which u can view by just scolling down ur mouse n take a look at that turns out to b that we found out that the size of his....his......wheeny was equavalent to that nokia thingy...i can understand his courage..the fact that he openly chose us to share his grieve..we understand my boy...with a thing of that kinda size...u can hardly even pleasure a pigeon...don worry my son ur secret is safe with us....
Take a big guess fellas..n its made in Thailand..who could it b...
Nokia...connecting ppl...not to mention size as well ;)
~~JaY GeTs a "P" ~~
Well here's some news bout our dear Jay...jeng jeng jeng..The Ppl's Champ has finally obtained his Driving license hurray!!!!Just when Jason stole the spotlight now Jay steals the show woot woot...just like Son, Jay managed to do all of this within one go...the only thing was he took his license all the way to the depths of Lendu...hmmm that makes Jay so far the one n only dude from The M.O.F.A.K.S. ever not taking it at tell me honestly u did something to the instructor rite ;)
NO pics of that license at the moment as Jay is not here so we're gonna have to wait for him to return ya....its just this for now...
NO pics of that license at the moment as Jay is not here so we're gonna have to wait for him to return ya....its just this for now...
Peace out
~~SuDoNg Is D pLaCe 2 B~~
Hello hello again there.....i guess this post explains my long absence from blogging cough cough so plz don get pissed off with me ya....i guess u noticed all of our adventures lately have been very short cough cough...well that has nth to do with me being lazy of coz....we rarely hang out nowadays due to my working commitments plus this is exam month so yeah u can tell where i'm going here...
Anyway lets start off here...Sudong....another name to disguise its true masked identity...the truth is ppl i work for an organization so strict n sophisticated, so confidential n dangerous, everyday we gather top data, studying human tissues n multiply them to b humanoid cyborgs..yes ppl....i work in the laboratory everyday creating
Jokes Aside, the fact is that i now work for a Singapore telecommunications company n i gotta say we Malaysians r way behind Singapore in terms of Technology...actually in terms of development as well lol...oh well won b getting to that part now shall i...Ppl, if u wan to earn big bucks..n i mean real big bucks..stop kidding ur self of working at a lame hotel busting ur asses for serving lame ass customers, head to Sudong to earn a me u won regret it..sure they r worst compared to us Malaysians when it comes to satisfying them, but hey in the end u'll go back home with a smile on ur face...

My team...all shy shy...ppl plz smile...

Puban n I r like click click buddies..
My team...all shy shy...ppl plz smile...
Puban n I r like click click buddies..
Come 1...Come all....Sudong Cares bcoz u deserve it...
Saturday, May 16, 2009
~~JaZ & I gO fLirTy aT 1@:3@~~
Now this is mega huge...wat the hell..its history in the books baby....Have u ppl ever heard of Flirty At 10.30 from Fly Fm?Yeah we've don that too ppl yayyy...We made it to Flirty and won some spectacular Merchandizes wooot wooot....
I was sitting with the lads one nice day till Jazel gave me a rang n told me that she signed up for Fly Fm's Flirty at 10.30..i was like wow thats great babe good for u....So who's in it?when she told that it was between me n her..i was like hahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha going through my headdd hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha....oh wow how did this come about?Wat the heck.. she seemed so serious bout winning this thing so yeah i was willing to help her out...So we waited very very long for them to call us...i could still remember the times when i had to wait 3 hours in front of the phone...but when the time came...oh my..i m still speechless i cant believe we were actually live in front of millions of viewers...oh my i m going to faint here....we won 4 premium passes to watch Angels n Demons plus some extravagent merchandises from Sony Pictures...seriously i m goin nuts here...
Hafiz talks to Jazel:
This is my
Awesome, cute, crazy, romantic, madness n marvellous....i'll never forget this....
~~JaY LeAvEs ThE nEsT~~
As i have mentioned from the beginning...This is a year of change....Cia enters a new year of teen...Ju is now facing a different sets of Hormone change n a brain crack, Jason has a gf n yay a driving license, Mark left to college this year..Nathan is starting to make sense, Debbie & Mond face more tests in their relationship, N i m already 24 sob sob..But apart from that, we've all experienced change...n not forgetting, this time, its Jay's turn to experience....change.....
Jeremy Lee Kian Leong is his name....a very complicated species to study...Sir Isaac Newton was a brilliant man indeed...he discovered the law of gravity, Alexendar Graham Bell invented the phone...Obama became the 1st Black president....all of them are brilliant ppl...bravo....but if u ask all those geniuses, any professor with even a distinct PH.D to study Jeremy, they will face permanent concussion n head damage...
At times this guy can b the weirdest of all ppl...To discover a cure to treat his smelly foot is worst than curing AIDS....At times he can b a real nice dude...a saint i would say....At times u feel like whacking the living shit out of him bcoz he starts to irritate the living hell out of u..At times he can really b Mr Hyde with his mood swings suddenly emerging out from the lake....Most of the times, u feel like dropping him off a cliff of a mountain n just leave him to die there....that's most of the times...
But for all the times he's been with us, he was always a friend that we cant stand living with o without....when we heard he was urgently leaving to UTAR to continue his studies doing A levels, we were very how can he tell us all this last minute even though its not his fault?Well with last minute plans, we brought Jay to his beloved n favorite Mummy Daddy Curry house...nothing special if u ask me...we felt normal at din even bother bout him leaving..
Then came the time....when we were just walking around the taman n asked Jay to deliver his speech, it was surprisingly sad n depressing....instantly we knew at that time..we're going to miss this idiot....Its funny how humans have feelings 4 one another...i could still remember when my sister leaving to Uitm i was the happiest human alive...but when she felt like there was a small part of my life taken away..that was a long aching feeling i used to have back then....But its happening now....when Jay delivered his speech n we told him ours....i actually had that sinking feeling....i guess u will never appreciate a person till he o she really leaves..
I will miss screwing u up Jay, we will miss our daily conversations we had with u..u've been a good friend whether we like it o not....u've always been loyal to our activities n supported us regardless whether u were tired o half dead....we will miss everything...even ur smelly feet.....we willl.....yes..we willl...
Jeremy Lee Kian Leong is his name....a very complicated species to study...Sir Isaac Newton was a brilliant man indeed...he discovered the law of gravity, Alexendar Graham Bell invented the phone...Obama became the 1st Black president....all of them are brilliant ppl...bravo....but if u ask all those geniuses, any professor with even a distinct PH.D to study Jeremy, they will face permanent concussion n head damage...
At times this guy can b the weirdest of all ppl...To discover a cure to treat his smelly foot is worst than curing AIDS....At times he can b a real nice dude...a saint i would say....At times u feel like whacking the living shit out of him bcoz he starts to irritate the living hell out of u..At times he can really b Mr Hyde with his mood swings suddenly emerging out from the lake....Most of the times, u feel like dropping him off a cliff of a mountain n just leave him to die there....that's most of the times...
But for all the times he's been with us, he was always a friend that we cant stand living with o without....when we heard he was urgently leaving to UTAR to continue his studies doing A levels, we were very how can he tell us all this last minute even though its not his fault?Well with last minute plans, we brought Jay to his beloved n favorite Mummy Daddy Curry house...nothing special if u ask me...we felt normal at din even bother bout him leaving..
Then came the time....when we were just walking around the taman n asked Jay to deliver his speech, it was surprisingly sad n depressing....instantly we knew at that time..we're going to miss this idiot....Its funny how humans have feelings 4 one another...i could still remember when my sister leaving to Uitm i was the happiest human alive...but when she felt like there was a small part of my life taken away..that was a long aching feeling i used to have back then....But its happening now....when Jay delivered his speech n we told him ours....i actually had that sinking feeling....i guess u will never appreciate a person till he o she really leaves..
I will miss screwing u up Jay, we will miss our daily conversations we had with u..u've been a good friend whether we like it o not....u've always been loyal to our activities n supported us regardless whether u were tired o half dead....we will miss everything...even ur smelly feet.....we willl.....yes..we willl...
U guys pls remember ah....even when i'm gone...i still have the smelliest foot around...
Son's all speechless...where's that usual smile bro?
Jay cant control his emotions...Nah Jay..drink ur fav Milo ice k
Even Nathan cant cheer him up..he's all emo today..Buy him another Milo Ice plz...
Wow kata sedih tapi makan ada selera...
Jay delivers his killing speech:
We will definitely miss this Jay...there is something bout this pic that explains smth so divine..
We Live Together, We laugh together, We Cry Together,
But Most Importantly,
We Ride Together, We Die Together,
M.O.F.A.K.S. 4 ever
But Most Importantly,
We Ride Together, We Die Together,
M.O.F.A.K.S. 4 ever
~~PuLaU BiG Is JuSt AnOtHeR IsLaNd~~
Just after Pantai Kundo, we planned another major outing which hopefully would involve the whole M.O.F.A.K.S...Mond's cousin came over so yeah there goes the Tan Siblings including Debbie n Rui Ying n Cia...So we turned to Jazel n Jan...tsk tsk they oso cant go...sigh....Worst..Jay had to sit for his Pra test...just nice ppl...sweet...curses...
Wat the heck...we still decided to make it...Nathan, Mark, Edwin, Ju & I...Period....Gather ur back packs n gears baby coz Pulau we come....We brought fishing rods...but the funniest part is we din bring any bait...curses...never mind...futak any crabs o prawns enough d...yeah rite...we din bring sun lotion cream...n we paid the price...we din bring food..we were left to wat did we bring?nth lol....
The boat was around 10am so off we go to Pulau Big...yay the water was so clear...romantic outing...when we reached the shores of the island, it was all mesmerising all rite...but the sandy sands were 90% they had so many rocks in the time to toss those shirts n get all half nakey n jump into the sea....played some football n ball tossing...B k ful k when u go to Pulau Big...u mite see the rarest of unexpected things....For instance, while we were happily ever after basking in the sea...a lil sea snake decided to join our party...yeah we cought it all rite..wanted to bring it back n donated to the zoo o even sell it..but hmm u noe la..Pulau Big, the superstitions...all that off u go lil snakey...
We decided to visit the long grave...hmmm very long indeed....had a cool shower with the good old air perigi yeah baby......we stayed there till 4.30pm..time to go back ppl...on the way back..we met some difficulties wit some f*****g barbaric ppl who din noe how to que for the boat...fucking bastards may u rot in uncultured....we were like 1st in line but those fucking retards kept pushing n inching their way...we were separated from our pack....Nathan n Edwin made it 1st..Mark, Ju & I had to wait for another trip....
Overall i would say it was just a so-so experience...Our bodies were burnt like soaring fire..Julian's finger got cut..Nathan's forehead was busted...we din catch any fish...those fucking rowdy short i would go to Pulau Big all rite...but just once...Hence:
Pulau come The M.O.F.A.K.S.
Got those tickets ready Ju?
This one's for the books y'all..
Sigh...these ppl..even on a trip to Pulau Besar..wanna scandal wandal..
Lol we're all excited here..
Check out the water...its so tempting...
Edwin cought a crab..quite big for a baby..
But nothing tops this off..yes ppl its a snake..cough water snake..familiar not..cough..
Time to seal this baby b4 it falls to the wrong hands..
Plucking coconuts...
Fuyoh like Survivor la..
Takde parang tangan pun jadi la
Dude don chop off the ball k...
Glup Glup...ahhh tastes like monkey piss...lols
Edwin carves this one really good..
Wat a beauty...
This was breakfast, branch n eat..
Bro tak habis lagi eh?lambat la
Loving that coconut in ur hand Ju..
Chief Mark setting off camp...ragrrrr...
Poor Ju cut his finger....kesian...
Pulau Big is just another Island!!
~~TaMaN BuAyA mELakA sUcKs~~
You heard is a word of advice..never ever ever ever step foot at our very own DISASTROUS Taman Buaya.....not only u have to pay unworthy rm 5, u get to see stupid croc's doing nothing but sleep sleep sleep...heck even Zoo Melaka is much worth than this....At 1st it wasn't that bad...till we came across this big pond filled with big croc's...according to sources there used to b a very large Croc named Johny but he died some time ago so yeah..but then again we saw another huge croc we decided to name Johny Jr..the bastard won even move a muscle...
So we asked one of their workers y the heck isn't Johny Jr moving...u noe wat he told us?No no that croc can't make it i think he's dying...everytime when i usik him he doesnt move....not a we decided to believe the man....all till he demonstrated to us how he disturbed Johny Jr....Psss!!!Psss!!!Shhhuutt!!Wat in croc's name were u doing u sick freak?No wonder Johny Jr won move...If i were to do the same, whispering psss psss psss n shuuut shuut heck even tilll Malaysia snows oso Johny Jr won move u sick ass!!!! So we told the man hey y don u usik Lil Johny Jr just like how u like to disturb the other croc's? Saya Tak Brani la nanti dier marah.....F U la idiot......
We decided to take measures to our own hands...So Jay threw a big brick on Johny Jr n guess wat.....He opened his eyes all rite....U won believe this..but Johny Jr had Red eyes compared to other crocs....just looking at those eyes were enough to terify us...ok Johny Jr we'll leave.....
Then we waited at least 30 minutes of delay for their crocodile show...they 1st demonstrated some magic which was pretty dumb....then it was men vs a phython which was also lame...they only displayed a small phython wat the heck...n the last was men vs that tops the lamo chart..the only part that was wow was when the croc produced a very huge roar....not bad...other than that...plz....plz..don go...plz....let our suffering b a lesson to u....
So we asked one of their workers y the heck isn't Johny Jr moving...u noe wat he told us?No no that croc can't make it i think he's dying...everytime when i usik him he doesnt move....not a we decided to believe the man....all till he demonstrated to us how he disturbed Johny Jr....Psss!!!Psss!!!Shhhuutt!!Wat in croc's name were u doing u sick freak?No wonder Johny Jr won move...If i were to do the same, whispering psss psss psss n shuuut shuut heck even tilll Malaysia snows oso Johny Jr won move u sick ass!!!! So we told the man hey y don u usik Lil Johny Jr just like how u like to disturb the other croc's? Saya Tak Brani la nanti dier marah.....F U la idiot......
We decided to take measures to our own hands...So Jay threw a big brick on Johny Jr n guess wat.....He opened his eyes all rite....U won believe this..but Johny Jr had Red eyes compared to other crocs....just looking at those eyes were enough to terify us...ok Johny Jr we'll leave.....
Then we waited at least 30 minutes of delay for their crocodile show...they 1st demonstrated some magic which was pretty dumb....then it was men vs a phython which was also lame...they only displayed a small phython wat the heck...n the last was men vs that tops the lamo chart..the only part that was wow was when the croc produced a very huge roar....not bad...other than that...plz....plz..don go...plz....let our suffering b a lesson to u....
This is Johny.....he's dead but check out the size...
We're all smiles now...but we din noe the boredom that was waiting for us...
Ju its moving
Yeah yeah a turtle with a long wat?
Yeah yeah an Anaconda showing off its teeth..big deal...r u kidding me thats nice lol...but sigh its just a picture..
This croc here has lost some teeth..
Now this is rare...a croc with a hunchback..
N this croc has battle scars all over it...
Meet Johny big ass croc..
Yeah he's huge...n lazy...
Do u see us smiling now?We waited 2 hours for them to whack the living shit outta each other..
Ju k ful Ju...when u least expect it Lil Johny Jr will turn back n rarrrr...
Peace out from me...
Jay seems to enjoy this place..he's all smiley compared to usual
This one wats not 2 b happy bout...he's Animal Planet anyway..
Ju is just happy enough to not see any crocs whack the living shit outta each other..he takut ma ;)
Cros farm sucks..croc farm sucks!!!
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