Ahh...our 1st post of the new month...Hopefully March will prove to b an euphoria just as our previous ones..Thanks for keeping up with us..really appreciate it..N not forgetting a special message to all u haters out there...save ur stinky breathe...u can say loads bout us...but the fact remains...we dont give shyts bout it..n we just keep getting stronger..so...grow up ya fags....
Sunday= moody+dull+boring+sleepy+blues+quick hours...bahh...we found a formula to solve that problem..how bout this, M.O.F.A.K.S= Old Town+Pop & Sweet Corns+New York Chicken+Movies+Benjamin Button+EQ+Cakes+Shish.......you'll do just fine.....Had Rui Ying & Vanaja to join us for this occasion....Desmond & Debbie were at Seremban attending a party...kada far mai...Mark had already left to KL...Botak tak leh kluar..Nathan d usuals(Work, Duh)...So its just Jason, Jay, Edwin, our 2 Guests & I....
I dropped Jay & Edwin off 1st at DP to check out d shows for today....Son & I headed to Vanaja's n picked up our gals from there n vroom vroom...cough plz tell me u gals brought ur IC's this time..Intended to watch Valkyrie at 1st..but couldn't make it so we settled down with The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button...Thanks to Rui Ying for suggesting that..Edwin alarmed me that a half naked dude entered the arcade near the cinema..lol he was chased by the security guard...mana tau that dude was in charge of d arcade..bang kalo ye pun pakai la baju..Sini Malaysia la...Heard from Edwin that Jay begged to take that photo shot...hmm...a reminiscence of the old past i would say?Schneeky....
The show was scheduled at 1910 so we had quite some time to kill..Please not Le Garden this time....budget all tight so smth light please...hmm wat bout Old Town Cafe?Not too shabby...lol as usual had this do & dare tournament...randomly picked one of their almost finished drinks and mixed it with tomyam+pepper+kicap+sambal+mihun+chicken+sambal...Nasty..looser earns the privilege finishing the whole glass...Edwin & I came out 1st so we were safe( We pakat lol)..Jason & Rui Ying Followed next...the 2 remaining....Jay & Vanaja...
1 of them's gonna have to swallow that marvelous Moose Piss lol...Vanaja lost...but Jay..being the Dol who gives too much....grabs the glass from Vanaja dramatically, and without any moment of hesitation..gulps down the whole thing like there's no tmr, while Vanaja looks on..touched, but definitely wouldn't bother kissing him "thank u"...According to him the drink was not bad..tasted more to Tomyam...cover la tu...muker merah cam tomato beb...Lets get to d pics ya...
Hmm i sense Bride Wars...But wat d heck...Benjamin Button it is..
Uncle..y so sexy?ur drawing too many attention..jeles siot.....n Jay...wait...dang..he's not..u noe...
This is Kassim speaking, please send immediate back-up, we have a half naked dude causing havoc in d arcade
Journey down from the Escalator..Ah Son...a smile no matter where...Show off!!Boo!!!
Had our early dinner at Old Town Cafe....
Would u quit it with the smiling n plz order u crap bag..
U guys look like meant for each other..But Vanaja..a word of advice..this dude has a weird taste of perversion..
Smile plz..I said smile Son not teasing me wit dat notorious tongue of urs..
My drug...White Coffee...
Um...i see green...i see brown..but there is smth else that stand above all..can u guess?
That's rite ppl..that tempting vanilla flavoured ice cream coated with chocolate powder...awesome..
Nasi Lemak?Hell no...Its Nasi Rendang ppl...just envy that Rendang Chicken...Yummy..
Also...French Toast...that'll ease my tummy for the time being..
Edwin had Mee Tom Yam....this was indeed an instrumental monument for our game of death..
Tremble in terror & fear..our Juice of Death..Mihun+Tomyam+Kicap+Pepper+Chicken+Rendang+Sambal..
Our hero..The PPl's Champ...The Dol Who Gives Too Much...Proving to Vanaja he's d man...
Fuh...panas tuu...Edwin made the smart move huh buddy...
My combo....yes..all mine...my ice cold face says it all...mine mine...
N The happy couple, sharing drinks n hot dog ya..romantic..i have never seen jay smile so many times till now
Not forgetting d hot tickets...
Benjamin Button totally rocked....from start to finish....well d finish was a bit of a letdown...but hey...other than that, it was perfect...i don have to remind u how many times we saw d babes in the cinema drooling their saliva all over when Brad Pitt gets half nakey nakey ;) i don blame them, wat i m curious though y was Jay drooling as well? For a moment u could see he was outta control...Jay..u miss ur old roots ya?....
Anyways...with that done...we were set to end the nite with a shish..hmm...been quite some time since we had an enjoyable shish...Had to wait for Mond because my car couldn't fit em all lol.....so we stopped by at EQ a while to chill down...n buy a simple slice of cake for our soon to b Bday boy Edwin....Lets move into position ppl...
King Ahmad & King Edwin...
U r lucky Rui Ying that Debbie is keeping one closed eye..otherwise she will sue u for stealing her signature pose..Son can tell u that..look at him..tak brani wanna show that peace sign....
"Here comes the bride, Jay wat smile smile, Vanaja plz think a while, coz this jerk is wild" perfect wedding song
Not Forgetting our non official Signature M.O.F.A.K.S Post...
The M.O.F.A.K.S Dynasty..damn it..cramped sial..move in..scoot over..ouch..ouch..
"Yes darling on our 1st Nite of Honeymoon in Somalia, we would have only n nth but Brinjals n minyak sapi"
Mond arrived later n we were set to BB......few more minutes to Edwin's Bday....n some previews of our guests enjoying d shish...take a look y'all
Faster la Rui Ying our Hands r arching here....M....Ouch...for M.O.F.A.K.S...Ouch...
Hey wat in d blue hell r u 2 doing ah...plz ah..i don like all this ah...Behave a bit ya..
Superbly done Vanaja..Jay has indeed taught u very well...
Rui Ying's doesn't wanna lose out so she gives a mighty puff...Son standing by just in case she faints...
Edwin's Bday Cake...After 8 they call it..
Bukak mulut Besar2 sayang...meh abang kasi sikit..mwah...geli siot..
Jason's turn...open up that cave of urs Son...
Is it my turn now honey?yes a lil bit of main mata...BUWEKKK....
Desmond finally comes into the picture...is that smoke coming out through ur mouth bro?
Yes Edwin i advice u keep ur distance from this Maniac..only God noes wat he'll do if ur an inch closer ;)
N u mite wanna jaga2 also if ur too close to Vanaja Jay will shove that brinjal up ur...hmm..
Boo!!Copycat...curi idea orang...boo ;)
Once again, Happy Birthday Edwin...Chaozz y'all...
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