When some 1 does smth very extraordinary, he becomes famous..he pulls off yet another miracle, he is regarded as a hero...from a hero to an icon, his status suddenly heights up to a legend, and lastly his legacy will b sealed, told to the whole world of his marvel..he'll breathe his last breathe n die an old man mortally, but his name will live on eternally, ever green every time we chant his name...
That's the exact thing that we want...we craved that our names to b written, respected, admired, loved, n most importantly, remembered......Wat a better way to seal a legacy of 10 separate individuals, at their peak with some yet to blossom..10 years.. o give it 20 years from now, when we're all settled down with hopefully a family of our own, blessed with at least a pair of beautiful children, can look back at this pictured legacy we took way back during our young days...it would b nice..no..it would b marvelous..no, it would b The Legacy Of The M.O.F.A.K.S...yes..indeed...
The moment we had Mark returning for his semester break, we knew we had to make this move immediately otherwise it will all come to waste...if ur still wondering till now, yes we all had decided to take a memorable photo potrait n seal A legacy of our own, pasting this son bitch u call frame on the walls of our houses n cherish the frendship, the legacy that we had built brick to brick with our own effort...
Thus we gathered around at the Tan family's house to meet up n head to the photo studio for a shoot...It was a day to remember..to rekindle..to look upon..coz we're going to do this...there were no nervous feelings..no pressure...we were ready all rite..10...10 is a good number...we don need another...10 is good..very good..
We headed to the studio for our destined photo shoot..mana tau the dude said our photo cannot take bcoz we were too many...sial...now is the rite moment to panic...macam mane ni?Ini kedai gambar tada care same kita..We had to do a quick flashback...hmm hmm...wait there's one nearby our house, which Julian famously said it was closed down...In the end, he meant the Fujifilm...the Kodak was still open la damn u u freaking botak..everyone wanted a piece of Julian's head...lol....
Lets take a turn of that page shall we...
Today my frend...we r brothers..today we...
..Forgot to wear our tracks my frend..so u mite wanna let go of my hand b4 they make a fool of us n brand us gay lovers..wait dang it they already took this photo..dang it all..
Jay arrives at the scene..
Lol ade gaya model tak?sayang tinggi takde haih..
Bang can u pls get ready..don tell me ur gonna go with this apek approach of urs..Rui Ying will b disgusted ya noe ;)
This one's for the book..come on Jay lets give em wat we got..
Ur a sad case la Jay tali leher pun tak reti ikat ka...nvm nvm come..
Dah la Son tell ur darling u wanna get dressed la..Julian u poser
Woh Cia is the 1st one to get ready...semangat...Mond lol faster la can c u half nakey2 d
Julian pls lose the guitar..no we're not bringing that to the studio plz..No u don't sound like Elvis...
Time to seal that legacy individually:
Ok ok now its shooting time..say cheese ya
Wait we weren't ready..well at least some of us..where's Fish head?

1..2..3..here we go...cheese..

One more plz..
Not forgetting the Tan siblings...damn they all look stylish..n tall..sigh..
ok guys..this is at the studio so no messing around...kachack...its finally sealed..fuh tired of smiling..
Yeah...we're sealed...glued..stigmatized....MOFAKS 4 EVER...