There was but one important time for us, To bring down the Curtains of the year 2008...Wat a year it has been....how it has changed most of us.....For instance, Julian will enter a new world of teen (n most probably a new change of hormons tehe..), sweet 16...Jason n Jeremy finished 11 years of school life and must already begin their hunt for a career...Mark will b leaving to KL to continue a dream in Pharmacy...As for me, i reunited with the rest of them after A LONG misunderstanding..I will b following Mark to KL as well...Nathan would like to enter the ALAM academy..edwin will b shifting to a new residental area and get a job in the casino...Desmond n Debbie were given a chance meeting by God this year and will work hard to work it out till marriage..Wat a year it has been...we decided to see it set down at a place i recommended....."BERT'S GARDEN"...This was going to b our very 1st dinner together but certainly not the last one, we had it planned in advance....so yeah we saved quite some money because we knew it was going ta b pricey...Sadly Edwin n Jeremy couldn't join us due to work commitment (we seldom get all 9 at one go)...we ordered a Jenak Fish, Nasi Lemak, Commando Chips, Daily Wings, Chicken Chop, Grilled Salmon and some Orange Juices...Banyak tu...

Haha Mond being Schneeky ah......Yummy...
Julian too full ady...
Debbie saw a ghost eh....
M.O.F.A.K.S 4 LIFE......
Lepas semua dah isi perut dan kenyang giler babi.......maka tibalah mase nye for our golden speech...Enjoy guys:
A much better quality provided by Mark's Video Cam:
It was a very touching speech n moment for all of us...Overall it was a superb dinner outing...my only complain is that if we had a better view of the see...n of coz..better photo shots..sob sob...
Anyways, after dinner we head to Portuguese Settlement for the NEW YEAR COUNTDOWN...WOOOO!!!...when we arrived there we were shocked to see that the countdown will only b held in Jonker's..disappointment man...but luckily Settlement made their own countdown...so..not bad...Jeremy n Edwin joined as soon as they finished work...3...2...1.....
Hugs and kisses for everyone.....Sorry No pictures though..sob sob......we stayed there around 40 minutes b4 heading to Bukit Beruang for our 1st Shisha of the New Year...woooo...Our used-to-be-usual place, Nearby Al-Jazeera was closed..oh damn we were devastated..not a good way to start off the year...Lucky nearby Petronas there got one...so yeah....Shish n Puff Baybeh.....
Gays of 2009...
These guys rather do/see something else than take shish...sigh..

Puff em out....
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