B4 i continue our crusade, allow me to share a short story worth telling..I call it once upon a Gay Land...Cough...lets go..Once upon a time.......(Scroll Down idiots)

Upon the calm belt of the lovely morning....

....Joe The Man discovered a disturbing scare underneath his sheets, to his horror.....dup dup dup dup...
...Dear Jones, y isn't it his cherry blossom Markaniah....

...Ah the sigh of relief flushes through the face of Joe...

..Thus he decides to plant his seed of love to his dearly beloved but Markamiah is not so keen of the idea...early moodswings perhaps??Joe u beast..

After a series of attempts, Joe is tired...rejected..dismayed...ekkkkk...
So he turns to the outside world, hoping his dark chocolate would change his mind but Markamiah aint giving two fucks bout it...
..N continues to nap....
...Ahah...this is my chance claims our messiah.....That senile smile indicates that he swears revenge...N wat a perfect way to get back on Markamiah....a healthy bunch of 2 of his faithful sex slaves ready to obey his command...ahh wat a wonderful threesome.....
THE END.....
Ahh that was priceless....tuhuhuhuhuh....now we can move on hahahahahhahahahhahaahhaa...Cough seriously so after the 1st nite, the lads checked out of the hotel and headed to Orchard Pan Pac Hotel.. I was kinda delayed coz i had to meet my dealer tfft....Met up with the lads at around 2 only to b told by the hotel staff that the hotel is fully booked n they had to move us despite making an early n secured reservation...fucks....The good news was they transfered us for a better hotel..kononnye...well to b fair the hotel was good n better but we chose orchard bcoz of the location wat kaninas....dah la the cab driver fucking rude nasib baik we tired if not kena hantam d...oh well tak pe la...nasib baik the hotel lawa...Ironically they sent us back to the same place....namer hotel pun lebih kurang but more grand..wohoo..Grand Copthorne Hotel baby...lol satu bilik worth around 400+ but we din have to pay for that amount haha
As soon as we settled down, some of the lads wanted to go for a swim..mana tau pulak hujan the lebats...so takpe la we just lepak in the room watch Liverpool kena trash then headed straight for our early new years eve dinner....TO MARINA SQUARE MY FRENDS...DESTINATION???SUKIYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA........I was glad the lads liked it...the stock of beefs kept coming n coming....sigh sedih though we din manage to break my previous record of 13 stacks...if the rest got here sure can go to 20 lol.....nvm nvm next time....Blame this on Alep n Joe for eating too much of MC.D.....dah habis kiter pun merantau around to look for sparkling juice.....
Headed back to the hotel bcoz Alep was not feeling good....Mark, Ju & Joe meanwhile, decided to go for a swim so off we went.....chilled at the pool, had good laughs n took plenty of vids.....Fuh our Joe dah power in swimming.....Siap2 after mandi then we kicked off the the highlight of the nite...OUR NEW YEAR'S SPEECH!!!!!!!This would go down as the longest speech from everyone so far...It was weird not to have the rest at 1st but as soon as we called them, the room was filled with their presence already.....Will post it up once we managed to burn it ppl.....
After all of that, we went to Arab St again to celeb our new year with style...Halfway it was a jam as expected.....Joe & I reached first while the others were stuck....We chilled at Arab St for a while b4 heading off home...Intended to head to Orchard to walk around but i was activated for work so had to leave them early...Fuh wanna book cab fucking long...all taknak berenti pukeimak.....Dah la, Picture time ppl....


Kasi la bang..pls sayang...pls..


Here we go peeps...

Welcome to Sukiya ne!!

Kenyang beb!!

Talking to the other MOFAKIANS at home..

Oh darling ur like ice cream on a sunny day...gotta eat n lick u b4 u melt away....
Huff n Puff to the new years..aper ko tgk tu dude...
Thats it on my part..Thanks guys for making it to SG n making our new years a blast!!!C u ppl......
-Posted By Stiffler-