And so we reach the conclusion of July with a loud bang. Alif invited us for his birthday parttay was a blessing in its own disguise i would say as not only it was a hell of a party with good food and company, but also, We were once again, FULL FORCED!!!Many times we longed for a reunion yet like i said somehow, someway fate was always jealous of us gathering in its circle..But not tonite as each n everyone of us defied destiny and if not any other nites, tonite would b ours to savor.
Taking a stroll back to memory lane, Alif missed our genting trip; Desmond missed the twin birthday party, yet on this nite of occasion when we all least expect it, Mark, Joe, Mond and Rui Ying would march down from KL and yours truly who was supposedly on his way to London yet through a twisting turn of event, he n Ros would b taking the last bus back home and parade to the party...It wasn't fate that decided its course that nite..but it was that undying flame greatly fueling each n every pumping MOFAKIANS heart, that tonite, was definitely the nite..smth even God himself could not prevent...
It was the rite time of the year for us somehow to meet up and wat more could we ask of all places, rumah anak orang kaya hahahahaha!! Emo talk is over ppl its time to bring the rain!!First of all i m cursing each of everyone of u numbnuts for not saving some of those savoury-so-i-heard good spaghetti Alif's mom made huhu hope u guys had stomach flu that nite!!!!!Nasib baik ader satay and drumstick oh yeah....
So as usual we had our crazy moments, was busy catching up with everyone, Alif was the star of the nite, busy entertaining his peeps and ditched us as usual till kiter kener masak our own food but its ok its ok we're professionals cough...Had our usual great speeches and yeah, we got Alif a groovy and funkylicious Bday present..Monkey Speakers peeps!!U heard me all rite..Its so cute and adorable like me, has earphones attached to its head with cool shades and most importantly, it shakes its head so happy go luckily each time u play a music....I LIKE!!!!!
In spite of having this much fun, it struck me with absolute curiosity, we must have reunited for a reason..Time and time again we hoped for a FULL FORCE gathering but y on this nite would it happen??After all the cards have been flashed on the deck giving its certain answer yet somehow we still were there, in Alif's house, celebrating not oni his birthday but also our glorious return..However smth was still tingling my thoughts..Then, like all blurry questions, the answers were crystal clear..It was meant that we would b there on that fateful nite..It was meant that Mond would take a drive back to Melaka, or Mark,Joe and Rui Ying paying approximately RM12 each sitting through a 2 hour journey back home..Heck it made perfect sense y Ros and I, both just came back from a tiring flight yet not hesitating for one solitary second to book the next bus home..All for an answer so clear that we did not realise...
True, we came back to celebrate Alif's birthday and savoring our moments together reunited as one, but of all reasons, i believe we came back for this very one time, to see off a dear friend....Jeremy Lee Kian Leong, our own people's champ my dear frends, will b heading to India to further his studies and hopefully to pursue his career in dentistry..While he is scheduled to leave in September, it is unclear and almost impossible for all of us(even if we wished to) to see him off..Having said this with a heavy heart, this could b that one time we all reunite as a group before, yes on Alif's birthday, before Jay leaves for at least another 2 years..the circle was meant to b complete on that fateful nite b4 it would shackle again, releasing us to part ways and hunger for another reunion..Fate perhaps did had it all stored for us, destiny mite indeed summoned all of us to this calling, and like it o not, we humbly accept it......
Let the camera's roll.......

Yang ni tak habis2 pakai phone, silat kang baru tau!!


Manja adik kiter ni :) Epi Bday bro..

Our chicas :)

Mond happy get to eat pisang..He was rambling the whole nite bout it..Shhneeky :)

Arif skrg happy, nak kahwin dah :))


This one's hotter nyam nyam..
...But nothing beats this!!Son u tramp!!

Wah wah gembirer tahap gaban bday boy kiter..

Daddy's home...Champ stop smiling like that..nasty..

U take k in India bro..gonna miss u very much..

And he opens his pwesent :)

Cho Cute monkey speakers!!!

And thus our boy punyer time sudah sampai..chicken dance peeps!!

All rite ppl lets get serious Son stop chicken dancing ass clown!!

One for the books peeps ;)

Yet another :)))

And another!!It keeps getting better :)))))

The hotties from the group!!!

Take it from the top once more guys..

Through the fire and flames,

A frendship is forged..

We ride together,

We die together...

...MOFAKS... For life!!
A Blessing..In its own disguise!!
-Posted By Stiffler-