I Guess this is the time of the year we all get slacky huh? Well hello again dear readers..Shish i lost 5 kilo's ever since i came to SG...ufff...all those muscle mass...uwah....cough anyway here's smth i wan to share wz u guys.....days after the farewell i left to KL wz my family....loads of emotions were running through my boggling mind...Its never easy to leave ur soil n set foot on another i'll tell ya that....there's loads of vids that i'm suppose to load n i pwomishh they will b uploaded once i have that luxury of time again....
Anyways here it goes..my family sent me off n shit i was tearing like bitch lol...I wasn't expecting to b so so emotional really i mean i've been apart from them b4 but i guess i got all emo when i saw this family..The son was going off n his dad was pretty old n short, and he was starting to cry...the son then wiped the dad's tears, controlling his emotions not wanting TO SHOW his old man he was weak, n gently kissed his dad's forehead...ufff ufff that got me straight to the heart...apa lagi..time salam keluarge banjir siot huwahhhhh.....
Uff getting all emo now when i think bout it again....anyways....enjoy the pics while i whine in one corner uff uff
So long Malaysia...
All my bags are packed, n there i went.....
posted by STIFFLER